
Climate Change Adaptation through the Feminist Kaleidoscope

April 2024

Un poste de doctorant.e et un poste de postdoctorant.e (4 ans) sont ouverts à l’Université de Bern en Suisse. Date limite de candidature : 15 avril 2024.

The Institute of Philosophy in Bern invites applications for a 4-year fully funded postdoc position in feminist philosophy of climate science, starting 1 September 2024 (or as soon as possible thereafter). The position is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation through Prof. Julie Jebeile’s SNF PRIMA Grant project “Climate Change Adaptation through the Feminist Kaleidoscope – Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Climate Science”. The salary is competitive. Travel and further research funding is available.

Expectations :
To conduct work in relation to the project independently but also in collaboration with the other team members and collaborators of the project
To develop philosophical and interdisciplinary collaborations (feminist epistemologists, climate scientists and providers of climate services)
To actively participate in collective activities (papers, organisation of workshops, teaching)
To be ready to implement transdisciplinary methods in philosophical research

Applications should be submitted to and contain (1) a motivation letter detailing the research interests and experience, (2) a CV, (3) a one-page research statement (excluding references) describing the research to be pursued within the project, (4) a writing sample such as a paper or a book chapter. Two reference letters are expected and should be directly sent by the referees. Review of the applications will start on 15 April 2024 and will continue until the position is filled. Interviews will take place online

The Institute of Philosophy in Bern invites applications for a 4-year fully funded PhD position in feminist philosophy of climate science, starting 1 September 2024 (or as soon as possible thereafter). The position is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation through Prof. Julie Jebeile’s SNF PRIMA Grant project “Climate Change Adaptation through the Feminist Kaleidoscope – Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Climate Science” The salary is competitive. Travel and further research funding is available.

Expectations :

To conduct philosphical doctoral research on alternative modeling strategies in climate science
To complete the PhD thesis within 4 years
To submit papers to peer review journals
To give talks at conferences
To actively participate at regular research meetings
To collaborate with the other team members and collaborators
To help with the organisation of research activities

Applications should be submitted to and contain (1) a motivation letter explaining the interest in the topic, (2) a CV, (3) a one-page research statement (excluding references) describing the direction of research the candidate would like to undertake in the context of the project, (4) a writing sample (e.g. a chapter of MA-thesis, approx. 15-20 pages). Two reference letters are expected and should be directly sent by the referees. Review of the applications will start on 15 April 2024 and will continue until the position is filled. Interviews will take place online.